Bright and Ready and Bright and Beyond activities are multi-sensory, interactive, and highly adaptable to a child’s abilities –-aspects that set the stage for learning, social growth, and a sense of achievement. As part of an early-intervention, or as a tool for reaching developmental goals, our activities allow a flexible definition of success that helps avoid the frustrations that can aggravate a child’s sense of social isolation.

Ready Set Resources is proud that our Bright and Ready and Bright and Beyond activities create the building blocks for adaptive development in all areas of a child’s life, whatever his or her abilities. It’s an honor to support your efforts.

Our best customers are people like you.

Actual card size 3"x4.5"

What are Bright and Ready cards?

Each Bright and Ready deck is loaded with quick, fun, and creative, fully-illustrated, activity ideas to do with young children.

・Short, simple instructions
Easy sorting
Quick visual cues to understanding the activity
Wide variety of developmental domains
Special needs appropriate

Most activities set up in moments with materials found around the home.

Baby through Preschool decks are available in Spanish, too!

Actual card size 3"x4.5"


Toll Free in US: 1-877-725-8880
Phone: 1-214-972-8046
Fax: 1-310-868-2891
PO Box 866092 Plano TX 75086

Playful learning is learning that lasts